Daily Rhythms
A child’s daily rhythm is integral to their sense of self. It sets the tone for their day, it keeps their world consistent, predictable, and allows them to have some semblance of control over their self. Children live in a world where nearly all their decisions are made for them, through our daily rhythms they are provided an adult structured space to freely make choices for themselves.
Daily Rhythm
8:00am - Center opens, drop-offs begin, children have unstructured time until a.m. snack
9:15am - Morning snack begins
Bathroom routine
10:00am – Circle time and structured learning
Monitor for bathroom needs
10:15am-11:30am– Outdoor period, structured and unstructured learning
11:45am – Lunch begins
Bathroom routine
12:15pm-2:15pm – Rest period begins
Bathroom routine
2:30pm – Afternoon snack begins
3:15pm-5:00pm – Outdoor period until parent/caregiver pick up (monitor for bathroom needs)
& Seedlings
Daily Rhythm
8:00am-9:00am - Center opens, drop-off blocks begin, children have unstructured time until a.m. snack
9:15am - Morning snack begins
Bathroom routine
10:00am-11:15am - Outdoor period/Small group experience
11:30am - Circle time
12:00pm - Lunch begins
Bathroom routine
12:30pm-2:30pm - Rest period begins OR quiet time for those who do not rest
Bathroom routine
2:45pm - Afternoon snack begins
3:00pm-3:15 - Unstructured play
3:20pm - Circle time
3:30pm-5:00pm - Unstructured outdoor period until parent/caregiver pick up (monitor for bathroom needs)
Daily Rhythm
8:00am to 9:10am - Drop offs and free play
9:10am - Morning snack begins, children will eat at their desks
9:25am - Morning classroom lesson begins
Bathroom routine
10:30am - Outdoor recreational learning/Phys-Ed
Bathroom routine
12:15pm - Lunch at their desks
12:30pm to 1:30pm - Quiet structured learning indoor/outdoor
Bathroom routine
2:00pm - PM snack at desks
2:15pm - Afternoon free play
Bathroom routine
3:15pm to 5:00pm - Outdoor recess until parent pick-ups